A downloadable supplement

A short vertical slice of a greater Dungeons & Snogard book that was never finished.

This project has been sitting on my computer for a few months now and I thought that perhaps I should share it. Dungeons & Snogard was meant to be an introductory booklet just for my friends and I, detailing all the changes I will be making to 5th edition as a sort of campaign primer and rules clarification. In the end, I never really got to pen down any ideas beyond the marked dice and I never ended up running 5th edition again. Since then this project has been shared a little here and there, mostly among closer friends as well as having a couple pages on my Artstation detailing some of the unused assets I made for the project. With the advent of the release of my recent Electrum Archive protoype, I thought maybe I should post this too, despite its unfinished state.

It's a ridiculously simple and not the most original idea but that's why it was the first idea (and only) to be finished. At the very least, I hope you enjoy the art I made to accompany the simple rules.

Attached is the PDF of the short section that was fully completed, and as an extra bonus, a variety of high quality exports of the art I made for the project (though you can also download them from my Artstation if you wanted to.)

If you are so inclined, I'm not against chatting about the unfinished contents of the book in the comments, but it will be unlikely I will revive this project, at least now.


Snogard Preview.pdf 840 kB
Snogard Art.zip 13 MB

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